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Emotionally Focused Therapy for Individuals and Couples

Wedding rings on a flower

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better, but nothing’s really helping.

Maybe you’ve been to individual or couples therapy before, but all you did was examine your thoughts, brainstorm a few solutions, practice listening to your partner, or fill out lots of worksheets. Some of these may have helped a little, but they probably didn’t create lasting change. You didn’t come away from the experience with a roadmap for how to make sense of your thoughts and behaviors, regulate your emotions and reconnect with your partner.

you’re still feeling disconnected

Frustrated that you never feel heard or understood by your partner

Struggling to understand your own feelings and reactions

Overwhelmed by unmet needs

Emotionally Focused Therapy can help you restore your connection to yourself and others.

EFT is an evidence-based and highly successful talk therapy technique rooted in attachment theory. Originally created for couples, the method has been expanded to include Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT).

  • Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) is an evidence-based approach to couples therapy that focuses on strengthening emotional bonds and attachment between partners. It was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson in the 1980s and has gained significant recognition and popularity since then.

    The primary goal of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy is to help couples create and maintain secure and lasting emotional connections. It is based on the understanding that emotional accessibility. responsiveness and engagement are crucial for a healthy and secure relationship with each other. Learn more.

    Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) is a therapeutic approach that is derived from Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples but adapted for use with individuals. While EFT primarily focuses on the dynamics and attachment patterns between partners in a romantic relationship, EFIT is designed to address the emotional and attachment needs of individuals. Learn more.

  • EFT for both individuals and couples includes 3 stages of treatment:

    Stage 1. Stabilization.

    Stage 2. Restructuring.

    Stage 3. Consolidation.

  • Whether you choose Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples or Emotionally Focused Therapy for individuals, you can experience a meaningful change in how you connect with yourself and the significant others in your life.

    You can heal past wounds, build self-compassion, empathy for others and secure connection. It will become easier to understand and regulate your emotions.

if you are a couple experiencing the pain of disconnection:

You can rediscover the things that made you fall in love, and move forward into the future together.

Woman on a bed using laptop computer

Is EFT right for you?

EFT or EFIT is a good fit for you if you…

  • Are a couple having the same argument over and over and getting nowhere.

  • Notice patterns in your relationship that leave you feeling unheard, unloved and disconnected.

  • Are an individual wanting to understand yourself and your relationships with others better.

if you are an individual wanting to reconnect with yourself:

You can learn how to access your self-compassion and self-acceptance, and build healthy attachments to others.

What we’ll work on

With EFT, you can…

De-escalate conflict

Learn how to access and share your true feelings and unmet needs.

No longer feel stuck in the patterns that keep you disconnected.

Heal old wounds.

Helping you reconnect.

Helping you reconnect.



  • First we will spend a little time talking about what you're struggling with as a couple and what you would like to be different by the end of the couples therapy process.

    Then we will look at the patterns that keep you stuck in conflict and disconnection and I will show you a way to break free from the pattern and change how you interact.

  • Even if you come to therapy by yourself, you can create positive change that benefits you personally as well as your relationship.

    Sometimes partners are motivated to join you in therapy later in the process.

  • If you're ready to dive right in, you can click here.

    If you have further questions before you get started, contact me.